Full automation with SCARA, cartesian, single/multi-axis, and transport maximises boost to efficiency

Lightweight cobots dominated at Hanover Messe this April. While they offer a tantalising vision for our industrial future, many automation challenges are solved more efficiently by coordinated high-speed robots working together in a fully integrated assembly cell.

Yamaha’s Factory Automation Section is the only robot manufacturer offering a portfolio that includes all commonly used industrial robot types; cartesian, SCARA, single-axis, and multi-axis articulated robots.

The wide range of machines, controllers, programming software, and accessories available enables solution integrators to automate entire assembly sequences, benefiting from convenient one-stop technical support and a common environment for programming and control.

The lineup contains machine sizes for payloads from 5kg to 50kg, with special options including high-speed pick-and-place robots, dust-/drip-proof, and clean-room models. Features such as contamination-resistant position resolvers and innovative vector-control drives ensure superior speed and reliability. In addition, Yamaha’s unique LCM100 robotic linear conveyor module overcomes the restrictions of conventional belt-and-roller transport by enabling bidirectional flexibility, independent module speed control, and easy reprogramming.

Flexible controller options ensure speed and simplicity, with machine vision fully integrated under robot control using Yamaha’s dedicated vision instructions for easy setup and instantaneous response. Eliminating the interface lag that typically slows communication with a conventional independent vision system allows faster excursion speeds for improved tact time.

To achieve the most efficient solution to your automation challenges in the real world today, contact Yamaha FA Section office in Neuss. To find out more and get in touch with Yamaha FA Section European sales managers please visit www.yamaha-motor-im.eu.

Yamaha Factory Automation Section (FA Section), a subdivision of Yamaha Motor Robotics Business Unit in Yamaha Motor Corporation, is focused on delivering flexible, high-accuracy industrial robots for precision automation challenges.

With its roots in the introduction of robot technology to Yamaha motorcycle assembly activities, the division has over 40 years’ experience solving automation challenges from factory-scale to micron-level. Yamaha’s industrial robots are now trusted by leading corporations worldwide, in activities as diverse as semiconductor fabrication and assembling electronic products, domestic appliances, automotive components, and large liquid-crystal panels.

Yamaha FA Section offers a unified range of solutions for robotic assembly, including single-axis robots, SCARA, cartesian, and articulated robots. Innovations such as the LCM100 linear conveyor module; a smoother, space-saving and more versatile successor to conventional belt and roller conveyors continue to set the pace in factory automation. Core robotic technologies as well as key components and complete robot systems are all produced in-house, ensuring consistent quality and control over lead-times.

Headquartered in Hamamatsu, Yamaha FA Section serves customers globally through its worldwide sales network spanning China, Taiwan, Korea, south Asia, north America, Australia/New Zealand, and Europe.

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