Accutronic, a flat-belt-driven, powered live-roller accumulation conveyor with 24-volt electric actuation is said to offer quiet, positive transportation and true zero-pressure accumulation of cases, cartons and totes.


Reduces noise and removes lubrication requirements associated with chain-and-pad-driven live roller conveyor. 24-volt electric stepper motor lift mechanism eliminates the need for the compressed air, increasing installation flexibility and producing energy savings.


Features an automatic sleep mode, which disengages the drive if no product has rolled by in eight seconds, and detectors built into the photo-eye sensors that shut the system down five seconds after sensing a product jam. Photo-eye sensors, factory installed and aligned, and control modules are delivered ready to run.


Designed for medium-duty, high-speed accumulation lines. Offers speeds up to 400 ft./min. on transportation and up to 240 ft./min. on accumulation.

Weight capacity is 35 lb./ft. for live loads,  100 lb. per package. Provides release rates of up to 95% and acceptance rates up to 100%.


Available in three-, six-, nine- and 12-foot lengths with a standard zone length of three feet. Available widths between frames are 16", 22", 28", 34" and 40".


FKI Logistex North America,

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