CADSTAR Express, a free Web download of the CADSTAR 7.0 design solution, includes an advanced Place and Route Editor for faster, more accurate routing. The fully functional Web version has a limit of 50 library components and 300 pins.


Aimed at design engineers, board designers, students and hobbyists, comes with an interactive manual to guide users through the design process and tool suite.


Front-to-back design suite for the Windows platform offers constraints-driven schematic capture, placement, routing, library creation and management, signal integrity, EMC analysis and production of manufacturing data. Design flow managed within a single GUI. Menus can be customized for fast access to frequently used tools, includes board dimensioning tools and a hierarchical library for symbols, components and parts.


Said to offer fast, accurate automatic routing of even densely packed boards. Features 45-degree routing, automatic copper re-pour and constraints-based component footprints. Offers placement accuracy up to 1/1000th of a degree, and constraints-based track length control maintains signal integrity and minimizes EMC problems in high-speed designs.


Available for download at



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