GerbTool version 14.0 offers fully revised support of NC drilling and milling, and enhanced netlisting support that streamlines the comparison process of Gerber-to-D356. Includes DfM support for embedded passive technology. The DfM analysis features help designers and fabricators deploy either additive or subtractive passive resistor materials within their printed circuit-based products


Allows users to work with multiple tool tables and control every aspect of their NC data, down to feed, speed, plunge and extract rates of the machine spindle. Can accommodate complex assembly sub-panels or manufacturing production panels. 25 new DfM analysis queries provide a general analysis of any PCB; results can then be used for job quoting, pre-sales analysis or pre-production reviews.


Increased collaboration with free Internet Explorer-based GerbTool database reader allows users to share datasets with other team members, inside or outside of the company.


Release highlights include:

Embedded Passive Support, Alignment Checking

Termination Bar Overlap Checking, Extension Checking, Width Checking

Advanced Tool Table Support

Multiple Tool Tables

NC Feeds and Speeds

NC Plunge and Extract Rates

NC Compensation Index Tables

NC Tool Linking

Maximum Hits

Tool Reordering for Export

User-Defined Break Tabs

Enhanced Interactive Milling

Drilled Text

Operator Messages

Operator Stop Command

MCM/LTCC Layer Stack-Up

Enhanced Information Queries

Updated Internal Net Names

Importing Databases, Internal versus External Netlist

Import Netlist Only (ODB++, PADS ASCII)

Explode Nets, Preserve Nets

Net Compare, Check Pad Sizes

GT-Reader Internet Browser Plug-In


WISE Software Solutions Inc.,

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