ISCAN (Intelligent Scaleable Control Area Network) architecture is based on Field Bus technology, which transmits packets of information digitally and is the basis for today's modern telecommunications systems.  When this principle is applied to printing systems, ISCAN enables machine control, translating to economic efficiency.  


According to Mick Bartholomew, manager of DEK's electrical design team, "Communication with the machine is now more advanced... Instead of just turning a motor on or off, ISCAN lets us send a message to tell the motor how far to travel, at what speed, acceleration and deceleration. In turn, the motor can reply, telling us that it has reached position, how accurately the velocity profile was followed, the amount of current that was used and much, much more. We can now read power supply levels and check circuit status without even opening up the machine. And, all this information is additionally accessible remotely via the Internet using DEK's Interactiv system."  


The intelligent communication allows for trend analysis, which can monitor overall machine health and predict routine maintenance

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