VISULA 7.0 enterprise-wide PCB design suite now features an embedded Place and Route Editor, P.R.Editor XR, and the Hot-Stage virtual prototyping tool. The Place and

Route Editor delivers improved routing functionality for faster completion of dense and complex PCBs, while the Hot-Stage tool facilitates a constraints-driven design process where potential signal integrity, EMC and manufacturing problems can be identified and corrected early in the design flow.


Ease of use improvements include damage repair, additional INI file settings for the layout editor and the addition of switchable toolbars with on-screen tool help, as well as improved Windows font support. The library tools support Windows XP as a database server. Design Technology Editor now features pad copy enhancement and automatic removal of legacy analysis data.


Introduces Activ-45, an automated 45-degree routing function, to the suite. The embedded router eliminates the need for a separate tool. P.R.Editor XR 1.4 allows batch checks to be made in embedded mode, can check against actual copper text vectors and can locate errors by code.


The Hot-Stage constraints-driven virtual prototyping tool facilitates ‘what if' analysis of design changes at the schematic stage. It ensures that design constraints can be maintained throughout the workflow.



Zuken USA Inc.,

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