The new WaferRepair platform addresses the technology requirements associated with the reliable, cost-effective laser fuse processing of high density DRAM and other memory devices using redundancy, as well as laser programming for device customization and repair of non-memory devices. Delivers refinements in beam placement accuracy, laser spot size and ultra-fine, ultra-stable energy control that enable the processing of extremely tight-pitch fuse structures for yield enhancement. Feature the system precision required by 90-nm and smaller design rules.


Based on the new platform, the M450 fuse processing system features a laser spot size of 1.4 µm. The M455 has a laser spot size of 0.7 µm, enabling aggressive fuse pitch shrinks below 2 µm. Both process fuses at a rate of 60,000 Hz with beam-positioning accuracy of +/- 0.150 µm.


GSI Lumonics Inc.,

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