HARROGATE, UK ― March 2020 ― Robotas Technologies Ltd, a pioneer of hand assembly automation systems, has developed a solution for optimizing the manual assembly process for the requirements of Industry 4.0. The company has spent the last 30 years evaluating and optimizing manual assembly processes.

Currently, manual production bridges the gap between automated processes and will do so for the immediate future. Many companies miss the opportunity to examine this element of their production process with the same thoroughness as their automated processes; and there are good reasons why: People are hugely flexible in their capabilities, but they can be difficult to manage and can also give a huge variation in the quality of work.

The Robotas Sigma System provides one single platform for operator guidance. Images, text, 3D models, animation and video clips can be used to deliver the most suitable type of operator guidance at any process step.

Huge productivity gains can be made from efficient material handling. Often a workspace will have racks of bins or trays with labels. Materials might have been decanted from OEM packaging into secondary bins. The setup time for each work area can add significant amounts of non-value-added time. By adopting Sigma users immediately gain the ability to dispense the correct part to the operator at the correct time.

For more information, visit www.robotas.com.

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