AUSTIN, TX – May 2020 – Critical Manufacturing, an ASM PT company, is pleased to announce the next webinar in its new series entitled, “MES and Industry 4.0 Success: Learn from Leaders on the Journey” will take place on Tuesday, May 19, 2020 at 10 a.m. EDT / 4 p.m. CET. Francisco Almada Lobo, CEO of Critical Manufacturing, will present “Industry 4.0 Platform: MES, IIoT, Analytics or All of the Above?”.

Many events and tradeshows across the world have been canceled or postponed due to the new coronavirus (COVID—19), including Critical Manufacturing’s MES and Industry 4.0 International Summit. But the show goes on! As we all adapt to working from home for the foreseeable future, Critical Manufacturing is bringing some highlights from our event right to your desktop with a new webinar series - MES and Industry 4.0 Success: Learn from Leaders on the Journey.

At a time when the application of IoT in manufacturing environments is in full swing, and growing at a much higher rate than any other type of application, we can see the first signs that, with the currently available approaches, manufacturers will not achieve the expected returns. As the dust settles, the industrial world is realizing what other markets that have turned to analytics have realized long ago.

In this webinar, Francisco Almada Lobo, will share valuable insights on how to:

•    Take real advantage of the wealth of data that the IoT generates, semantic models, contextual information, data enrichment processes and platform sharing are an absolute must.
•    Unlock the true potential that MES and IoT have to simultaneously control processes, guarantee visibility and traceability, and generate true manufacturing insights.
•    Achieve Industry 4.0 Success with a combined MES, IIoT and Analytics Platform

Don’t underestimate the journey to Industry 4.0 success, be prepared to act and make the best decisions for your company. To register, visit

Critical Manufacturing Augmented MES helps Electronics manufacturers to continuously improve process capability and manage capacity and quality, while driving down the cost and errors associated with manual approaches. For more information, visit

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