For three generations, GEN3 have designed, engineered, manufactured, and distributed test and measurement equipment for the electronics industry. Their reputation for excellence comes from stable growth and continuous investment in their people, allowing for expansion on a global scale.

To find out more about their ability to retain and promote top talent, we interviewed two employees who have each reached the ten-year point at GEN3.

Gayle Fox, Ten Years in Service

Gayle Fox, Sales Office Manager for GEN3, has shown a knack for developing and growing with GEN3. As a result, Gayle is the focal point for customer administration support globally as well as for the sales division of GEN3 in the UK and Ireland.

“Gayle has risen to the challenge,” commented Graham Naisbitt, GEN3’s Managing Director. “As our business has grown, so have the demands and level of expertise required of all GEN3 staff, but especially Gayle, who has excelled in learning the complexities of administrating a global business”.

Prior to joining GEN3, Gayle was already experienced in working in sales and customer service within a number of organisations.  Her current role was created for her and represents a natural progression into a senior management supervisory role. Below she shares her insight into her first ten years with GEN3.

Hi, Gayle, how has your role at GEN3 changed over the past ten years?

“When I joined GEN3 back in 2009 as a sales administrator, it was a part-time role and we had just come out of a recession. Over the years the business has grown, and we have been able to expand and take on additional staff. So while my role now as sales office manager continues to be very much still focused on supporting our network of distributors and customers, I also now offer internal support as a mentor.”

How has the company progressed?

“GEN3 are developing all the time, from new development projects to updating older ones. And to handle new challenges, we’ve been taking on more specialised people.”

What has the past decade with GEN3 taught you?

“Working with GEN3 and in such a pivotal role within the company has taught me how to have a strong work ethic, patience, and attention to detail.”

What do you enjoy most about working with GEN3?

“It has to be working with our long standing-distributors and the relationship and trust I have built up with them over the years.”

What do you think the next ten years hold?

“I believe we will continue to grow, and to develop our products and distribution channels in a very positive way.”

Andy Naisbitt, 10 Years in Service

Director Andrew Naisbitt started as a business development manager for GEN3 Kinematics in July 2010. As the third generation of GEN3, Andy graduated out of Oxford Brookes University and worked for the GEN3 subdivision that focused on fitness, conditioning and rehabilitation equipment that incorporates kinematics engineering for sports and health industries.  He’s been able to observe changes at GEN3 over time and shares his observations in the interview below.

Hi Andy – please share with us how you have progressed at the company and describe the role you now hold.

“When I joined GEN3 back in 2010 it was for a separate division of the company, GEN3 Kinematics. GEN3 decided to diversify the company in late 2009 - during the recession, to aid its survival.  Over the years GEN3 has developed significantly, which has encouraged me to get involved in all aspects of the company up to where I am now overseeing the day to day running of it.  We are continually expanding and developing our product line which has led to requirements for both guidance and structure on where GEN3 heads in the future.  After six years within the company spent developing my knowledge in all aspects of the business, I was appointed a Director. I strive to lead us in continually delivering reliability in electronics.”

How has the company progressed?

“GEN3 is constantly developing and growing our product line, adding new, innovative products to our already extensive catalogue, but also further developing our own manufactured products to ensure they are the best available to the industry. To meet the high demand that the industry puts upon us, we have expanded not only our staff but also our premises.”

What has your time with GEN3 taught you?

No day is the same, which is something I thrive on, and although as a director I am challenged with issues to overcome for not only our engineers but also our customers, this is something I find I excel in.  It underscores my ability to multitask, think ahead and know the best solution moving forward.”

What do you enjoy most about working with GEN3?

“I enjoy working alongside both our long-standing distributors and our staff. I thoroughly enjoy having a great workforce behind me who are supportitve of one another and are willing and able to help in any capacity.  Having a great team is of prime importance in the daily running of a company and provides stability for us all. No order or requirement of a customer is ever the same, and I find that I love being able to get together with our engineers and coming up with the best available solution or product to meet the demands.  We are not shy in being honest with our customers to help them overcome problems they face, and I feel this is highly important in installing trust with them.”

What do you think the next ten years hold?

“Although in this current climate everything has been affected due to the virus, I fully believe we will continue to grow, develop and be the main focal point for product demand within the electronics industry.  The next ten years will not only be challenging times but also exciting. I look forward to seeing everything unfold and what new demands may be required of GEN3.”

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