This 32-week intensive training course will begin this fall at Eastern Florida State College (EFSC) and offered through Brevard Schools Adult Education. Through collaboration with local business, the EDC and FloridaMakes identified the skills and training needed to advance careers and fill the talent pipeline for this expanding industry, which represents over 500 local companies.

Worth 12 credit hours towards an Engineering Technology Associates Degree (ETAS) at EFSC, the Technician Boot Camp augments the EDC’s Certified Production Technician (CPT) program, an industry-recognized certificate worth 15 credit hours towards the ETAS. “Building on the success of the CPT program, the EDC and its partners will continue to cultivate a talent pipeline that benefits employers and potential employees alike.”

“The Technician Boot Camp resulted from direct engagement with our community’s advanced manufacturers to identify and meet their needs,” said Lynda L. Weatherman, President and CEO of the EDC. “The Technician Boot Camp resulted from direct engagement with our community’s advanced manufacturers to identify and meet their needs,” said Lynda L. Weatherman, President and CEO of the EDC.

The Technician Bootcamp courses include non-destructive and destructive testing, applied manufacturing mechanics, through-hole and surface-mount soldering and cable and wire harness assembly. After completing both programs, students are only 33 credit hours away from the ETAS and a step closer to a bachelor’s degree in engineering technology.

“Mike Ennis, the FloridaMakes Business Advisor at the EDC, heard the pleas from employers and was instrumental in creating this innovative program that brought us together with educators, manufacturers and the Florida Advanced Technological Education Center to design a program that supports current needs as well as one that provides pathway opportunities in advanced manufacturing careers.” “FloridaMakes is proud to be a partner in creating a solution for manufacturers who need skilled workers now to meet growth demands,” said FloridaMakes CEO, Kevin Carr.

“Concentrated skills training programs that offer industry-recognized certifications and credit towards a higher degree are exactly what Brevard’s manufacturers need to grow and retain a skilled workforce,” said Marci Murphy, President, CareerSource Brevard. “Concentrated skills training programs that offer industry-recognized certifications and credit towards a higher degree are exactly what Brevard’s manufacturers need to grow and retain a skilled workforce,” said Marci Murphy, President, CareerSource Brevard. “This is another shining example of bringing the strengths of workforce, economic development and education together to produce positive outcomes as a response to local industry needs.”

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