IPC today issued the following statement by its President and CEO, John Mitchell, on the bipartisan infrastructure bill approaching a vote this week in the U.S. Senate:

“Electronics manufacturers welcome the prospect of historic infrastructure investments in America’s roads, ports, electric grids, and digital networks. Our members’ supply chains depend on modern, resilient infrastructure; and in today’s high-tech world, America’s infrastructure depends on reliable electronics. We also appreciate the inclusion of smart manufacturing investments. This bipartisan infrastructure bill will help drive growth in the overall economic recovery, as well as in our specific industry.    

“We commend the tireless efforts of Senators Rob Portman and Kyrsten Sinema, along with the bipartisan Group of 22, which labored arduously to produce this compromise.

“Although this critical legislation addresses the nation’s much-needed infrastructure modernization, IPC is concerned that reinstating Superfund excise taxes on 42 chemicals and raw materials – some of which are building blocks of electronics manufacturing – will increase costs for U.S. electronics manufacturers and raise prices for many consumer goods, including many of the materials that will be utilized in America’s infrastructure investment. IPC calls on Congress to find other, more appropriate methods to pay for this necessary investment in America’s aging infrastructure.”

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