Atlanta – ECIA’s Global Industry Practices Committee (GIPC)’s work group comprises 10 companies meeting to research changes to the workplace due to COVID-19. They recently launched a survey of ECIA member companies to determine adjustments being made to business operations due to COVID-19, especially in response to the Delta variant surge.

ECIA’s Chief Analyst Dale Ford will present the results of this timely and critical survey during a webinar on Thursday, August 26, 2021 at 1:00 p.m. EST.  Following Dale’s presentation, a panel of working group members, moderated by Don Elario, Vice President of Industry Practices, will unpack the findings and discuss the implications for the industry. ECIA will launch another survey of all ECIA members on September 15th to update this research.

“This topic is of utmost importance to the industry,” explained Don Elario. “The electronic component sales channel requires networking and collaboration to be successful. As the industry learns how to conduct business safely, it is essential that we take the pulse of our members to learn how they are getting back to work.”

“This is a very fluid situation, with the Delta variant and vaccine resistance adding uncertainty to what was expected to be a recovery situation,” added Dale Ford. “There is much to discuss; we want ECIA members to have the survey results in hand as quickly as possible to enable the best decisions.”  

Please join us if you can, but a recording of the webinar will be available directly following the call. Click here to register.

About ECIA

The Electronic Components Industry Association (ECIA) is made up of the leading electronic component manufacturers, their manufacturer representatives and authorized distributors. ECIA members share a common goal of promoting and improving the business environment for the authorized sale of electronic components. Comprised of a broad array of leaders and professionals representing all phases of the electronics components supply chain, ECIA is where business optimization, product authentication and industry advocacy come together. ECIA members develop industry guidelines and technical standards, as well as generate critical business intelligence. For more information, visit or call 678-393-9990.

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