Atlanta - In collaboration with Electronics Sourcing magazine, ECIA Chief Analyst Dale Ford has completed a report based on research to identify the Top 50 Global Distributors. This report appears in the September 2021 issue of Electronics Sourcing, and is also available at ESNA Top 50 Global Report.

“The task of identifying and sizing the top authorized distributors around the world presents significant challenges beyond the research developed for the North America Authorized Distributor data,” remarked Ford. “For example, while participation in surveys by industry companies is a well understood practice (if not always supported) by Americas and European companies, the same is not true in Asia where personal relationships and communication are key to gathering helpful information.”

Completing the analysis required extensive secondary research from public records, interviews with component manufacturers, as well as survey data from distributors.

According to the research, Asia accounted for over 75% of the Top 50 authorized distributor global revenues in 2020. The Americas and EMEA distribution markets come in far behind at 13.4% and 11.4% respectively. In addition, 39 out of the top 50 authorized distributors are headquartered in Asia and account for over 63% of distribution revenues in this analysis.

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