CRANSTON, RI –AIM Solder, a leading global manufacturer of solder assembly materials for the electronics industry, is pleased to announce its participation in the upcoming MicroLED Connect Conference and Exhibition taking place September 25-26 in the Conference Center at High Tech Campus Eindhoven in The Netherlands.

AIM’s Director of Product Management, Timothy O’Neill, will be giving a presentation titled Addressing Concerns of Ultra-Miniature Assembly for Mini/MicroLEDs:

The rapid implementation of Mini and MicroLED lighting technologies has promoted innovation in every aspect of the SMT assembly process. Printing, placement, and reflow are all impacted when these assemblies are performed. The main challenge posed by this type of assembly is simply the scale of the components. The dimensions involved are below the visual threshold for most human beings. One of the biggest challenges for assembly in this sector involves the printing of solder paste. Tens, if not hundreds of thousands of ultra-miniature deposits must be made with micron precision in a single stroke of a squeegee. Furthermore, his needs to be accomplished at production speed and scale without room for error. In this presentation, we share our knowledge and solutions acquired as one of the largest solder suppliers in the world to the Mini and MicroLED market.

Mr. O’Neill will give his presentation during MicroLED Connect on September 26th at 12:20pm.

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