WASHINGTON – The Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) today released the following statement from SIA President and CEO John Neuffer. Semiconductors are the sixth-largest U.S. export sector.

“Our companies are investing nearly half-a-trillion dollars to manufacture and develop more semiconductors in the U.S., create high-paying American jobs, secure our supply chains, and win global markets.

“We’re encouraged by President Trump’s goals of restoring U.S. trade leadership, promoting American strength in semiconductors, and reindustrializing our country. We understand tariffs are a tool in the trade policy toolbox. If not approached carefully, tariffs could make it significantly more expensive to develop and produce Made-in-America semiconductors and the many critical technologies they enable, including artificial intelligence.

“We look forward to working with the Trump administration to aggressively advance smart trade and tax policies that enhance U.S. semiconductor leadership, including by pursuing mutually advantageous bilateral and sectoral trade negotiations and tax incentives that create domestic manufacturing jobs, enhance competitiveness, open markets, and achieve our shared goals of making America safer, stronger, and more prosperous.”

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