Bridging is the unwanted formation of a conductive path of solder between conductors. When bridging occurs, the primary process setup areas to check are:
- Conveyor speed too slow or other incorrect solder wave settings.
- Time over preheat is too long, causing the flux to be burned off.
- Dwell time too long, causing the flux to burn off before exiting the wave.
- Topside board temp too low.
- Not enough flux applied, or flux activity is too low.

Other things to look for in the process include:
- Preheat too high or low.
- Solder wave height too low or high, or uneven.
- Conveyor speed too slow or fast.
- Board not seated properly.
- Board pallet too hot.
- Contaminated flux.
- Contaminated solder.
- Solder temp too low.
- Flux-specific gravity too low.
- Flux applied unevenly.
- Flux not making contact.
- Excess flux blow-off.

Other causes to look for with the assembly include:
- Board contamination.
- Component lead length too long.
- Component contamination.
- Improper board handling.

Other causes to look for with the bare board include:
- Board oxidized.
- Defective mask material.
- Board contamination.
Other causes to look for with the design include:
- Poor pallet design.
- Internal ground plane.
- Component orientation.
- Lead-to-hole ratio too large.
- Weight distribution.
Paul Lotosky is global director - customer technical support at Cookson Electronics (;