WASHINGTON – North American manufacturers consider the US the most desirable country for expansion over the next three years, according to a survey released today by the National Association of Manufacturers, The Manufacturing Institute, the Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters and Deloitte.

The largest number of North American companies (44%) say they intend to expand production in the US over the next three years. And 57% say they will become more globally competitive over the next five years across the supply chain from sales, marketing and customer service to engineering and information technology.

The news, however, is not all rosy. “The survey clearly shows concerns that manufacturing companies want government to address,” said Emily DeRocco, NAM senior vice president. “Manufacturers cited controlling labor costs, enacting favorable tax policies and assisting with the severe shortage of skilled manufacturing workers, including engineers, scientists and technicians, as the top three areas that policymakers should address to help improve their global competitiveness."

Nearly 80% of respondents identified tax cuts for manufacturers as the key factor promoting innovation and R&D. “Clearly, Congress needs to extend the R&D credit that expired at the end of last year,” noted DeRocco.

The survey sheds new light on how North American manufacturers view free-trade agreements. Contrary to widely held perceptions, North American manufacturers paint a positive picture of their experiences with NAFTA after almost 15 years. Almost half (49%) say that NAFTA helped their business to become more competitive, while 10% say it has hurt their business. The remaining 41% said it did not affect them one way or the other.

“On the trade policy side, the significant competitive momentum that is felt among U.S. manufacturers in this survey is reflected by the surge in U.S. export sales that has stabilized the U.S. economy this year,” said NAM vice president, international economic affairs Frank Vargo. “This report is a clarion call to negotiate and approve free trade agreements that will knock down barriers to U.S. exports. Congress should heed the news in this report and vote to strengthen the ability of North American-based manufacturers to compete effectively in the global economy.”

The survey, Made in North America, reflects the views of 321 top-tier executives in a broad range of North American manufacturing companies of all sizes. The majority of companies represented in the survey (45%) are based in the US. To download the survey, go to www.nam.org/northamericansurvey.

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