MINNEAPOLIS – Dave Hillman was awarded Best of Conference at the recent SMTA International for his Pb-Free symposium presentation “NASA DoD -55° to +125°C Thermal Cycle Test Results.”
Hillman, an engineer at Rockwell Collins in Cedar Rapids, IA, received a $1,000 award.
Also winning $1,000 awards were Pradeep Lall, Rahul Vaidya, Vikrant More, Auburn University; and Kai Goebel, NASA Ames Research Center, for Best of Proceedings. The authors wrote “Interrogation of Damage-State in Lead-Free Electronics under Sequential Exposure to Thermal Aging and Thermal Cycling.”
Craig Hamilton, John McMahon, Jose Traya, Wang Yong Kang, and Khoo Kok Wei, Celestica; and Matthew Kelly and Marie Cole, IBM, also received $1000 for submitting the Best International Paper, “High Complexity Lead-Free Wave and Rework: the Effects of Material, Process and Board Design on Barrel Fill.”