SOUTH KIVU, DRC -- The first flow of tin through a controlled supply chain has left a mine from the South Kivu region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, one of the partners in the effort reports.

Minerals from DRC mines have been shunned over the past few years due to trade restrictions, which some observers feel puts undue strain on the local population.

In response, the Conflict-Free Tin Initiative, a partnership among the Dutch government, certain NGOs, and users and suppliers such as Philips, Alpha and AIM Solder.

The Initiative created a tracking system across a monitored supply chain that provides a way for companies worldwide to purchase conflict-free materials from the Eastern DRC. This will lead to better mining methods, economic development and regional stability, AIM noted in a press release.


For more on the CFTI and AIM's role, click here. And Alpha Metals discusses its participation here.



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