WASHINGTON -- The US Departments of State and Commerce published regulations this week that streamline US export controls on certain military electronics

by shifting less sensitive equipment, parts, and components from Category XI of the US Munitions List to the Department of Commerce's Commerce Control List.

The changes will take effect on Dec. 30, 2014.

The changes, part of President Obama's Export Control Reform Initiative, are said to enhance national security by increasing interoperability with close allies and partners, the Bureau of Industry and Security said in an announcement.

The changes are also said to reduce incentives for purchasers to deliberately avoid US-origin parts and components. As a result of these changes, the US will have greater visibility on arms transfers and end-uses of concern, including human rights abuses. 

Updating US export control lists is a key component of the President's Export Control Reform Initiative. Export Control Reform increases the competitiveness of key U.S. manufacturing and technology sectors by focusing our controls on current threats, as well as adapting them to the changing economic and technological landscape. The initiative overhauls the Cold War-era system of regulations on exports of controlled technologies. Changes to Category XI were based on exhaustive technical and policy reviews conducted by the Departments of State, Defense, and Commerce, as well as representatives from other relevant departments and agencies. These reforms were also developed in close consultation with Congress and the private sector, which provided extensive public review and comment on the proposed changes.

With this final rule, 15 of 21 Categories of the US Munitions List have been successfully revised under the Export Control Reform Initiative. Work continues on the remaining categories and other efforts to modernize and harmonize the export control regulations.

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