WASHINGTON – The US Environmental Protection Agency yesterday released an updated draft alternatives assessment of the environmental and human health impacts of flame retardants used or that could be used in printed circuit boards for electronics products, such as cellphones and computers.
The alternatives assessment provides information to the electronics industry to more efficiently factor human health and environmental considerations into decision-making when selecting flame retardants for PCB applications. The draft updates human health and environmental information on flame retardant alternatives to tetrabromobisphenol-A (TBBPA) for use in PCBs.
The report includes a description of differences in combustion by-products from burning PCBs containing alternative flame retardants at temperatures simulating uncontrolled recycling or incineration.
Industry trade groups tested alternative non-halogenated flame retardants and found they function equally as well or better than TBBPA-based PCBs for certain
products, EPA said.
The draft report is available for public review and comment until Feb. 15.
For more information, visit http://epa.gov/dfe/pubs/projects/pcb/#report.