WILTSHIRE, UK – A free webinar later this month will focus on the impact of the European Chemicals Agency’s latest guidance on electronics companies and their supply chains. Attendees will receive recommendations from RoHS Ready managing director Jim Kandler on how to update systems to manage compliance.

As of Sept. 10, after a European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruling, companies now have to inform customers if any articles in their products contain an SVHC >0.1% by weight of article, instead of by weight of product, per the 168 REACH Candidate List of SVHC. Firms also must provide information on safe use according to the ECHA guidance published Dec. 17.

The webinar will address how Siemens, Philips, GE Healthcare and other companies have used custom software to implement ECHA recommendations to share chemicals knowledge to screen 95 SVHC substances not relevant to the electrotechnical industry, and establish supply chain communication standards and systems to collect information on safe use from suppliers.

To register, visit https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4474705933617996033.  


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