RALEIGH, NC – Six leading assembly suppliers including KIC, Kyzen and and AIM will present a two free all-day workshops on cleaning, materials and x-ray in North Carolina next month.

A group of cleaning firms will present Reliability Workshop: Cleaning – Materials – X-ray in Raleigh, NC, on Apr. 12 and Asheville, NC, on Apr. 14.

Circuit Technology, KIC, Kyzen, Nordson Dage, Aqueous Technologies and AIM Solder will answer questions about cleaning, cleanliness testing, profiling, failure analysis, inspection, and other reliability related topics.

Michael Konrad of Aqueous Technologies will kick off the presentations with A Candid Conversation about Cleaning and How Clean Is Clean (Enough)? Debbie Carboni of Kyzen will follow with the presentation What My Son and Your Assembly Have in Common. MB Allen of KIC will present Improve Productivity in a High-Mix Environment – Reflow Related, and Timothy O’Neill of AIM Solder will follow with A Practical Guide to Optimizing Solder Paste Performance for Ultra-Fine Feature Printing. John Travis of Nordson Dage will present Defect Recognition and Failure Analysis with High-Resolution X-ray and 3D Computer Tomography.

To register for the Raleigh event, visit https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg;jsessionid=CEDF8BBD8CD2B55A2F4A542C3EC367F0?oeidk=a07ec9w4xhj64911ad9&oseq=&c=&ch=.

To register for the Asheville event, visit https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg;jsessionid=FE2B3DAD7B95D8172775B089E0E7B5D9?oeidk=a07eccp90zm79ce71e7&oseq=&c=&ch=.

For more information, visit http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?m=1102459575456&ca=36a85ace-8c4b-49b2-8c14-f9689e43e0db.


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