SANTA CLARA, CA - Sierra Proto Express next week will roll out what it calls the "first true lead-free PCBs guaranteed not to fail in process or use."
The maker of quickturn prototype PCBs will put discuss its methods next week at the Printed Circuit Board Design Conference West, in Santa Clara.
In the seminar, the company says
it will cover compliance with Europe's RoHS
initiative for electronics products, and fabrication
of high reliability PCBs
intended for extreme environments and life-sensitive applications. The boards,
Sierra Proto says, can withstand up to 2000 cycles of -45˚ to 145˚C.
The seminar will review the needs
associated with lead-free printed circuits and discuss materials suitable for
meeting the lead-free directives. The seminar also provides a new solution for boards
for space, aeronautical, military, transportation, medical, and oil exploration
The seminars will take place
during PCB Design Conference West in the exhibits area each day of the show.
To register: call 800-763-7503 x500, or email