BOSTON – MRSI Systems and Palomar Technologies have reached an agreement that settles all litigation currently pending between the companies.

This settlement ends the intellectual property disputes between the companies with respect to all currently existing product lines.

All terms of the settlement are confidential.

The companies have engaged in suits over IP for years. In July 2015, Palomar alleged that MRSI infringed its patent for a "double pick" method that places "an item at a final location more accurately by first moving it to an intermediate location."  

MRSI responded that the claimed method was directed to a patent-ineligible abstract idea and was therefore invalid. MRSI won a summary judgment ruling in that case last May.

In December 2019, MRSI filed a patent infringement suit against Palomar in US District Court in California alleging that Palomar's die, wire, and wedge bonder products infringe multiple MRSI patents.


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