WINDACH, GERMANY – Delo reported revenue of EUR229 million ($249 million) for its full fiscal year, up 12% from the previous year.

The company said around half of its sales were generated in Asia, with the other half coming from Europe and North America. The semiconductor, automotive and consumer electronics industries were the most important pillars, and investment in research and development amounted to 15% of revenues, which is around three times the industry average, Delo said.

"After a few challenging years due to COVID-19, strapped supply chains and the war in Ukraine, all of which prompted constant rescheduling of logistics processes, this past fiscal year could be characterized as more routine,” said Wolf Herold, managing partner, DELO. "Nevertheless, there was great uncertainty among our customers as a result of a more cautious global market, making our twelve percent increase all the more remarkable."

The company recently acquired land to build an additional production facility in Malaysia, and is also making major investments at its headquarters in Windach, Germany, with construction work underway for a fully automated 6,000 sq. m. warehouse. Plans are also ongoing for the construction of an auditorium and an additional laboratory building.

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