After its introduction at Apex 2005 in California, MYDATA automation AB announces the European launch of its new MY-Series Extended model.
“We call it ‘E’ for ‘Extended’ because it does just that – it extends the flexibility of our popular all-in-one platform,” said CEO Mårten Lundberg. He notes that the new model can handle an even greater variety of components at high speed – on an even greater variety of board sizes. According to MYDATA USA, all models presented at Apex were sold immediately.
Key innovations include the high-speed Hydra Extended Range (ER) mounthead, T3 internal conveyor and the latest version of the company’s TPSys operating software. Also equipped with linear drive technology on the Y-module, which allows for faster acceleration, higher accuracy and improved board transfer times.
Available in the company’s MY9E and MY12E sizes as well as the larger MY15E and MY19E models.
MYDATA automation AB,
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