The SP600 automated batch printer comes with a table that can be designed with a standard fixation or a customer-specific substrate holder. Because of shuttle system, any kind of substrate holders reportedly can be used. Enables printing of solder paste onto PCB, conductive glue printing on flex circuits, and special paste application on ceramic on one system. Print table is motorized in four axes (x, y, c and theta); said to allow automatic alignment of the substrate to the stencil. Two vision cameras measure reference structures and calculate offset. Operator can see in real-time which squeegee, stencil or tension frame must be installed. Is said to be ready in less than five minutes for new job. Comes prepared for 29" stencil frames. Substrate holder is designed for single or double-sided PCBs up to 450 x 500 mm. Rubber or metal squeegees with a length of up to 500 mm can be used. Features automatic stencil cleaning (dry, wet, vacuum).


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