The Icon i8 fully automatic screen printer is said to wield high throughput and flexibility. Has been developed to meet the precise demands of the Asian electronics market. Features a high degree of automation; reportedly reduces product changeover time to 2 min. and product setup time to less than 10 min. Delivers a 12 sec. cycle time and 350 x 300 mm max. board dimensions. Includes a compact auto tooling system and advanced statistical process control software; uses SPC techniques; vacuum under screen cleaner; available in 400 and 520 mm widths; paste on pad solder verification. Print speeds from 2 mm to 150 mm/sec.; can handle boards from 40 x 50 mm up to 350 x 300 mm, and a thickness of 0.2 to 6.0 mm. Max. board weight is 1 Kg.
Icon Technologies,

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