Guadalajara, Mexico, February 2018:   The Selective Soldering Academy (SSA)—based in Elk Grove Village, IL—and Flex-Guadalajara collaborate for success in first off-site SSA Training Sessions.  

Tomas Guitron and Eddie Groves, Director of the SSA, worked with Omar Garcia, Director of Flex’s Advanced Manufacturing Engineering Group (AME), to conduct two training sessions in mid-February for 16 Manufacturing Engineers from Flex’s North and South campuses in Guadalajara. The training sessions were hosted by Francisco Rosas, Director of Maquiladora de Servicios (MMS), and conducted at the MMS offices in Guadalajara.

Omar Garcia stated that, “Regarding Selective Soldering, there are many myths and mysteries around this process.  Many mistakes can be made trying to treat this process the same as a regular Wave Solder Process [when it is actually quite different].  Important Selective Soldering concepts were addressed in this training that will help us in our continuous improvement activities for our current production processes and help simplify our introduction of new products to Selective Soldering.  This training provided us highly valuable information about the Selective Soldering Process--highly recommended!”

Eddie Groves said that, it was a pleasure working with Flex and was pleased with how smoothly the sessions ran at the MMS offices.  He looks forward to conducting more off-site training in Guadalajara and hopes that anyone interested will contact the SSA about making arrangements.

The SSA offers advanced selective soldering instruction that goes beyond typical selective soldering training.  It is designed to take your selective soldering skills and your company’s process to an entirely new level to help maximize the financial impact of your selective process on your business results.

The training thoroughly covers the fundamental principles of soldering and theory, but also includes proven selective soldering strategies, and advanced troubleshooting techniques that will elevate skills of the novice or experienced soldering professional.  It will help your company get new products up and running more quickly and keep them running.

“The SSA has a wealth of technical and practical information that leaves the student with valuable knowledge to apply at their own facility.”  V. Halfacre, Watchfire Signs.

What sets the SSA apart is the extensive hands-on experience through the use of their own SSA Selective Soldering Challenge Board.  With contributions from some of the worlds most recognized electronics manufacturers, the SSA designed the Challenge board to incorporate from the basic to the most challenging scenarios typically seen in today’s electronics.

You are assured to walk away with new skills to get the most out of your selective soldering process—regardless of the manufacturer of the selective soldering equipment!

NEXT SSA TRAINING SESSION:  August 21 – 23, 2018

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