LONDON — SMART Group, Europe’s largest technical trade association for SMT, next month will release a process defect photo guide on QFN and bottom terminated components.

Authored by Bob Willis, “Guide to QFN/LGA & BTC Process Defects,” the optical and x-ray guide covers common components, assembly process and reliability failures that may occur when using QFNs, LGA and BTCs. It shows issues at goods receipt, typical assembly related problems plus solder joint and cleanliness failures that can occur in the field. The guide provides example images of satisfactory print, placement, reflow with many common defects found with optical and x-ray inspection.

The new guide is set for release Oct. 16. Register for a copy at

Also, Smart Group will present a free webinar titled QFN/LGA & BTC Process Defects – Causes & Cures on Oct. 16 at 2:30pm UK time. The webinar will feature a step-by-step process overview to successfully implementing QFN/LGA and BTC packages as well as common failures and corrective actions.

Webinar leader Willis has experience processing these parts in many different soldering process, printing and paste jetting plus conformal coating and successful cleaning processes. To register for the webinar click here:

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