

Wellesley, MA -- The value of the worldwide conformal coatings market hit $800 million in 2005, according to a new report from BCC Research. It is projected to reach $1.6 billion by 2010, an average annual growth rate of 15.2%. Key markets include semiconductors/electronics, medical devices, aerospace and automotive.

Electronics use dominated the conformal coatings market in 2005 and will continue to do so through 2010, holding 46% of the market share and growing at an AAGR of 13.6%, BCC predicts. IC barriers will drive the semiconductor and electronics sectors. Conformal coatings also find frequent use in new device packing systems and high frequency wireless consumer electronics.

Conformal coatings are used in a range of electronics applications to provide a variety of distinctive performance characteristics to components and devices.

ALAMEDA, CA -- There is a continuing disconnect between what OEMs want and what they say they are receiving from the contract manufacturers that build their products. That's according to a new study by research firm Technology Forecasters Inc.

Based on interviews with approximately 130 managers at more than 100 OEMs, the top priority is a need for their contract manufacturers to reduce the total cost of ownership.

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SAN FRANCISCO – North American CIOs predicted IT budgets would grow 6.9% over the next 12 months, down from 8.6% in March, according to a June poll by Deutsche Bank and CIO magazine. Spending projections were up in most categories but were down for data networking, storage systems and e-business applications.

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