

SAN JOSE – The Semiconductor Industry Association today issued a revised forecast projecting worldwide sales of semiconductors will grow 6% in 2005 to a record $226 billion. The previous forecast, issued in November, projected flat 2005 sales.

"Worldwide sales of semiconductors have been stronger than expected through the first quarter,” said SIA president George Scalise, “driven by better than expected demand in a number of important end markets, including personal computers and wireless handsets."

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WASHINGTON -- U.S. households own an average of 25 consumer electronics products, according to the latest study by the Consumer Electronics Association. The typical U.S. household spends more than $1,250 annually on consumer electronics.

Overall, consumer electronics are expected to grow 11% this year, matching 2004's growth, CEA said.

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WASHINGTON -- The Electronics Industries Alliance has launched a task group to oppose legislation that would prohibit federal agencies from purchasing items that are not at least 50% produced in the U.S.

The Working Group on Competitive Procurement has been set up to counter  effots by Rep. Don Manzullo (R-IL) to slap so-called "Buy America" amendments in this year's spending authorization bills.

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