

CHICAGO – The number of mergers and acquisitions in the electronics manufacturing services sector fell by half in 2009, according to a leading investment bank.
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JASPER, IN – Kimball International today reported second-quarter fiscal 2010 net sales of $275.2 million and net income of $1.9 million. Read more ...
EL SEGUNDO, CA – Worldwide revenue generated by EMS providers and ODMs is set to rise to $280.8 billion in 2010, up 7.8% year-over-year, says iSuppli Corp.

This follows a 13.4% decline in 2009 that was spurred by the global economic recession and the resulting electronics downturn.

Global ODM revenue is set to rise 10.8% in 2010, while the EMS market will expand 5.2%.

However, the market still faces major uncertainties this year, according to the research firm.

“Things are definitely looking up for the EMS/ODM market,” said Adam Pick, principal analyst for EMS and ODM at iSuppli. “However, we’re holding our breath until the second half of 2010, given certain industrial and macroeconomic issues that could inhibit the outsourcing cycle.”

On the positive side, orders for the leading EMS and ODM providers are recovering. Senior managers at contract manufacturers are indicating the typical seasonal downturn in the first quarter will be mitigated by stronger-than-normal demand signals from their OEM customers.

“Fourth-quarter earnings results from major EMS firms Jabil, Sanmina and Plexus came with some bullish guidance for the first quarter,” Pick said. “Plus, last quarter, most companies posted improved earnings, enhanced operations and elevated ROIC performance.”

Despite these gains, Pick doesn’t foresee the kind of sharp rebound for the entire contract manufacturing business that some experts are predicting.

“Some analysts believe the global contract manufacturing business is due for a V-shaped recovery, similar to that of the 2003 to 2005 time frame, when the industry enjoyed a surge in outsourcing.

“However, conditions are different in 2010, with the contract manufacturing market experiencing a dichotomy of growth. ODMs are set for a growth rebound due to their penetration of booming markets like mobile PCs and LCD-TVs. In contrast, with their focus on traditional segments like networking and telecom, some EMS companies are likely to experience slower growth.”

Pick believes some individual contract electronics manufacturers could face ongoing constraints in particular component supplies, including display panels, optical disc drives and chipsets. The recent shortages have inhibited full-throttle assembly activity among contract manufacturers for the past six months.

At the industrial level, component supply management continues to be a sore spot for OEM procurement teams. iSuppli’s primary research suggests OEMs are continuing their efforts to tighten control of the Bill of Materials to minimize purchase-price variance.

At the economic level, Pick expressed concern about high unemployment, waning stimulus efforts and more than a trillion dollars in lingering residential and commercial mortgage resets. These factors could slow or reverse the latest uptick in personal and corporate spending on electronics products made by EMS and ODM providers.

BILLINGSTAD, NORWAYKitron, a top 40 global EMS company, reported fourth-quarter revenue of NOK 423.9 million, down 35.3% from the same period last year.

The net profit was NOK 12.9 million, down from 63.5 million a year ago. The current results include a loss from discontinued operations of NOK 2.89 million.

The pretax profit was NOK 12.8 million, down from NOK 59 million. Cash flow from operations was NOK 62.3 million, roughly flat with last year’s NOK 66.5 million. Orders fell 17% to NOK 454.7 million and backlogs dropped 18.1% to NOK 795.8 million.

Defense sales were down 44.1%, data/telecom was down 38.5%, medical equipment was off 15.3% and industrial decreased 40.3%.

“While the activity level in fourth quarter [was] lower, we see a stable trend toward improved market conditions quarter by quarter,” Kitron said. “The slow but steady improvement in the order backlog continued in Q4 and is another sign of the improved market conditions.”

Kitron said it would set up a second operation in China to expand market coverage. The new unit will start manufacturing in the second half of 2010. It also will divest its development department and enter a strategic alliance with a dedicated development company.

TORONTO -- Celestica has invested $2.8 million recently in its healthcare division, adding capabilities and staff.

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ANGLETON, TX -- Benchmark Electronics today reported sales of $600 million for the quarter ended Dec. 31, up 3.1% from 2008 and 18% sequentially.

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WASHINGTON – US regulators are determining if defective electronic systems played a part in several rapid acceleration incidents of Toyota vehicles, according to a Transportation Department official.

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SANTA CLARA, CA – The International Electronics Manufacturing Initiative begins its North American 2011 Roadmap technology working groups this month.

Agilent Technologies will host an iNEMI Roadmap meeting Feb. 23-24 in Santa Clara, CA.

iNEMI is also scheduling a webinar for Mar. 19 to review information from the medical and automotive PEGs with the European market. 

iNEMI membership is not required to participate. For more information about this month’s meeting, visit

For information about the March webinar, visit  

Additional meetings will be scheduled in the coming months, including workshops in Europe, hosted by IMEC in Leuven, Belgium; North America; and Asia, hosted by Taiwan Printed Circuit Association in Taipei, and co-sponsored by the Taiwan Semiconductor Industry Association, Advanced Microsystems and Package Technology Alliance and Surface Mount Technology Association Taiwan.

Final Roadmap chapters are due in September.

SAO PAULO – A new trade show for electronics assemblers in Brazil is planned for the fall.

The Global Electronics Manufacturing Expo Brazil will be held at the Expo Center Norte in São Paulo Oct. 5-7.

The new event will feature a conference program, including IPC training and certification workshops from IPC registered training specialists; advanced training workshops from a range of international experts; training workshops from exhibitor and local training companies, and a vendor conference program.

For more information, visit

EINDHOVEN, THE NETHERLANDSAssembléon has started a research project to develop a new generation of sustainable pick-and-place solutions for the electronics assembly industry.

The new generation aims to minimize the environmental impact of the machine during the design phase.

Assembléon’s activity is part of an overall development project called SUPREME (SUstainable PRoduction EquipMEnt).

Other partners in this project are firms and institutions from the high-tech Dutch Brainport Region, including the Technical University of Eindhoven, research institute TNO, Xycarb Ceramics, Tegema Group and Fiberworx.

SenterNovem, the sustainability office of the Dutch ministry of economical affairs, and the Dutch Organization for Scientific Research have provided a substantial subsidy for the project.

LAGUNA, PHILIPPINESIntegrated Microelectronics Inc. said it would close a business unit and lay off 405 staff as a result of a client ceasing orders.

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TOKYO -- Toyota today rebutted assertions that the problems with gas pedals that led to the recall of millions of its cars are electronic in nature.

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