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Minneapolis -- Sponsored by the SMTA, the Pan Pacific Microelectronics symposium focuses on the critical business markets and technologies of microelectronic packaging, interconnection, microsystems, nanotechnology,and assembly. The symposium is scheduled for January 17-19, 2006 at the Marriott Waikola Hotel, Hawaii.

The program committee seeking participants to present recent research results on the following topics:
Cross Cultural Management, Economics and Cost Analysis, Green Manufacturing (Energy Conservation, Pb- and Halogen-free, etc.), Manufacturing Management, Outsourcing Strategies, Roadmaps.
3-D and Stacked Packages, BGA, Chip Scale, Display Drivers, Embedded Devices, Flip Chip, Integrated Passive Devices (IPDs), MCM/SiP, RF and Microwave, Thermal Management, Wafer Level Assembly.

Advanced PWBs, Co-Fired Ceramics, Flat Panel Displays, Flex / Flex Rigid, HDI, Microvias, Shaped Circuits, Thin and Thick Film Materials.

Characterizations, Penetration Strategies, Segmentation, Technology Drivers, Trends and Forecasts.

Automation Control, Component Placement, Direct Chip Attach, Materials and Processes, Repair and Rework, Test and Troubleshooting.

Microsystems and Nanotechnology:
Actuators, DFX, MEMS/MOEMS, Nanomaterials, Nanosystems, Optoelectronics, Partitioning Strategies, Sensors.
Abstracts should be submitted online by July 15, 2005:  
Carlsbad, CA - Asymtek signed a new team of sales representatives, OSTEC Enterprise Ltd., to market its automated fluid dispensing systems in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan.  OSTEC is headquartered in Moscow and has another facility in Kiev, Ukraine.
OSTEC will provide customers with on-site equipment service, training, applications support and spare parts.  

West Conshohocken, PA -- At the end of March, Heraeus Circuit Materials Division acquired the ultra-fine-pitch solder powder technology and business from Welco GmbH (Potsdam, Germany). 

According to the companies, the continued miniaturization of electronics assemblies has resulted in a greater demand for solder pastes with very fine solder powder particles that can no longer be manufactured economically using conventional methods. Heraeus decided to acquire expertise by taking over the patented technology and production facilities for the manufacture of ultra-fine-pitch solder powders from Welco. Read more ...

WASHINGTON -- Manufacturing output edged down 0.1% in March, and the factory operating rate fell to 78%, according to the latest data from the Federal Reserve. Durable goods declined 0.2%, reflecting a drop in the output of motor vehicles and parts and in the production of nonmetallic mineral products.

Computer and electronics products advanced 1.1% and rose at an annual rate of 22.6% in the first quarter. Computer and peripheral equipment rose at an annual rate of 12.7%, and the output of semiconductors and related components advanced at an annual rate of 39%.

Although the production of communications equipment fell in March, the index increased at an annual rate of more than 24%, the Federal Reserve said.

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BANNOCKBURN, IL - The 90-day moving average shipments of all types of circuit boards fell 4.5% year-on-year in March, according to the latest poll of U.S. PCB fabricators. Bookings fell 10%, continuing their first-quarter slog.

A large percentage of the production includes boards built offshore and distributed by North American vendors. According to IPC, which takes the poll, 30% of the shipments reported were produced offshore, down three points from February.

The domestic book-to-bill ratio dropped 0.03 points to 1.05, remaining above 1.0 for the fourth month in a row. The ratio is based on data collected by IPC from rigid and flex producers and is calculated by dividing three months worth of orders by sales. A ratio over 1.0 is considered an indicator of rising demand.

The ratio for rigid PCBs was flat at 1.04, while that of flexible circuits dropped 0.16 points to 1.07.

Rigid board shipments, estimated by IPC to make up 75% of all domestic PCBs, were down 9% in March vs. a year ago. Bookings were down 2.7% for the month. Flex sales grew 21.3%, but bookings fell 35.9%. Value-added services made up 55% of the shipment value of flex circuits.

Year-to-date flex bookings are down 2.3% and shipments are up 29.5%. Rigid shipments are down 4.6% and bookings are off 4.8%. Shipments of all boards are up just 1% and bookings are down 4.3%.

Sequentially, combined shipments were up 7.1% over February, while bookings were up 8.3%. Rigid shipments were up 8.7% and bookings climbed 11.1% sequentially. Flex shipments were up 0.6% and bookings were down 4.8% against revised February numbers.

Seventy percent of PCB shipments reported were domestically produced. Domestic production accounted for 75% of rigid PCB and 47% of flexible circuit shipments in March, IPC said.

In a statement, IPC cautioned that month-to-month comparisons should be made with caution as they may reflect cyclical effects.

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Jersey City, NJ - To assist electronics assemblers in the transition to lead-free processing, Cookson Electronics Assembly Materials Group and Speedline Technologies have developed a Lead-Free Implementation Checklist. The list provides details that should be confirmed for assembly equipment, materials, shop floor segregation, training of personnel, process validation, process refinement and yield enhancement.
The list was compiled based on the process engineering and R&D experience gathered by Joe Belmonte, product manager of Speedline's Advanced Technology Group, and Chrys Shea, manager of R&D Applications Engineering at Cookson.
According to Shea, "Our informal discussion on the subject very quickly evolved into a formal process of collecting and cataloging all of the information required to run lead-free processes.  Our overriding goal was to help our customers plan and execute the lead-free transition by not only providing a methodical framework to follow, but also alerting them to some of the potential pitfalls they may not have previously envisioned."
The list is available at: and


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