

SAN JOSE -- The 90-day moving average orders of North American-based manufacturers of semiconductor equipment was $1.12 billion, up 11% from July and good for a book-to-bill ratio of 1.05.

The 90-day average of worldwide billings was $1.07 billion, down 1% sequentially and 29% from a year ago,
according to the trade group SEMI.
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WASHINGTON -- The head of the electronics industry's leading trade group, Dave McCurdy, this month asked Congress for consistent regulatory definitions of key recycling terms and a strict definition of the scope of covered products.

In remarks to the House subcommittee on environment and hazardous materials, McCurdy said it is "critical" that the primary driver is the marketplace, and "not broad mandates and increased regulation."

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WASHINGTON– The U.S. tech sector added nearly 190,000 jobs over the past 18 months, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Between January 2004 and June 2005, employment in the tech sector reached 5.72 million, up 3.4% during that time.

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