NORCROSS, GA – Micromeritics, a manufacturer of analyzers and instruments, has moved into a 140,000 sq. ft. facility that doubles the company’s floor space and added a surface mount line among other equipment.

The machine shop now covers 18,000 sq. ft., and manufacturing has been modernized and expanded to 24,000 sq. ft. The applications development laboratory and Micromeritics Analytical Services have both doubled in size. The training center also has been expanded.

The company plans to purchase new lab equipment and has added personnel.

BANGALORE – Eight small bombs blasted Bangalore Friday, with the blasts reportedly killing at least one person and injuring nearly a dozen others.

India’s southern city, the center for the country’s global software outsourcing business, is home to 1,500 companies such as Infosys Technologies and offices of firms such as Microsoft, IBM and Intel.

According to published reports, authorities said the bombs were located in traffic circles, near bus stops and on important roads, such as the one to Electronic City.

BEIJING – With the Olympics around the corner, Chinese authorities in Beijing have restricted the traffic flow of goods and materials in an approximate 200-mile ring around the city through Oct. 17. The transportation of dangerous goods (such as plating chemicals and other materials for assembling electronics) has likewise been restricted until Aug. 22 in the Shanghai area. Read more ...
REDMOND, WA – Data I/O Corp. reported second-quarter revenues increased 38% to $8 million, and net income rose to $1.2 million from a loss of $1.1 million last year.
Backlogs at the end of the second quarter rose to $2.5 million, up 67% sequentially.

NEW YORKDover Corp. reported second-quarter revenues exceeded $2 billion, up 10% over last year and a record for the company.

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SAN JOSE Tessera Technologies announced its fifth annual technical symposium series will highlight the power of integration.
The Tessera Technology Symposiums will feature speakers from consumer electronics manufacturers and OEMs, as well as market research firms. During the event, Aptina, Asia Optical, Samsung, Toshiba and research firm IDC will discuss The Future of Imaging in Converged Mobile Devices; Transforming Mobile Devices Through High-End Imaging; Integration Challenges of Converged Devices, and Enhancing Camera Phone Performance.
The symposia will be held in Hsinchu City, Taiwan on Sept. 23; Tokyo on Sept. 25, and San Jose on Jan. 26.

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