Board positioning in the wave is crucial to avoid solder from covering components.
Flooding is a condition whereby solder “flows over,” thus causing the solder to flood on the component.
The primary assembly process setup areas to check:
- Board may be warped: need center support in the wave.
- Wave height too high.
- Conveyor too tight or too loose.
- Other things to look for in the assembly process:
- Solder temperature too high.
- Preheat too high.
- Board not seated properly.
- Solder temperature too low.
- Preheat too low.
- Board rerun.
- Solder wave height high.
- Conveyor speed high.
- Defective fixture.
- Solder wave uneven.
- Conveyor speed low.
Things to look for with the bare board fabrication:
- Board warped.
- Things to look for with the board design:
- Poor pallet design.
- Board size.
- Weight distribution.