Flashstream will support up to 32 Gb by year-end. Speed has incorporated use of cache-programming modes in select devices, reportedly pushing top speed on NAND memory to 8.23 Mb per sec. data transfer during programming. Now supports MLC flash memory using a bit error rate tolerance method. Managed NAND architecture like eSD/eMMC such as Samsung MoviNAND, Micron e-MMC, and Sandisk iNAND are now supported. Vector Engine has been enhanced with address-data multiplexed (A/D MUX) NOR devices. Bad block management options in the BPWin software have been enhanced; reportedly more than 90% of “standard” bad block management schemes can be addressed without the need for customization. Bad block parameters permanently can be recorded to the master-programming file and transferred to manufacturing facilities globally. Now available in multiple automated handling systems.