BluePrint-4-PADS for Mentor PADS permits simplification and automation of documentation for PCB fabrication, assembly and inspection. Is node-locked and includes drag-and-drop and automatic formatting of PCB views; uses PADS ASCII file for intelligent PCB view display; imports Gerber, DXF, PDF, JPEG, BMP, AVI, WAV; built-in word processing with spell check; intelligent note blocks on multiple pages; hyperlink between notes, callouts and details; imports PADS logic schematics as OLE objects; automatic drill chart creation; support for drill tolerances; automatic layer stack-up detail creation; unlimited PCB views on a single sheet (topside, bottom side, inner layers); view assembly variances on assembly drawing; assembly reference designation placement; support for mechanical components in BOM; no hiding and displaying of layers to produce documentation; real-time viewing of PCB documentation (no output required); export to HTML for web viewing, and free document viewer download.
DownStream Technologies,