

GREENVILLE, SC -- Kemet Corp. and Taiyo Yuden will cross-market each other's lines of passive components, furthering the longstanding relationship between the two companies.

In a statement released today, the firms said pricing will be "independent and competitive," a possible nod to anti-trust laws.
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SAN JOSE -- The 90-day moving average orders of North American-based manufacturers of semiconductor equipment was $1.12 billion, up 11% from July and good for a book-to-bill ratio of 1.05.

The 90-day average of worldwide billings was $1.07 billion, down 1% sequentially and 29% from a year ago,
according to the trade group SEMI.
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WASHINGTON -- The head of the electronics industry's leading trade group, Dave McCurdy, this month asked Congress for consistent regulatory definitions of key recycling terms and a strict definition of the scope of covered products.

In remarks to the House subcommittee on environment and hazardous materials, McCurdy said it is "critical" that the primary driver is the marketplace, and "not broad mandates and increased regulation."

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WASHINGTON– The U.S. tech sector added nearly 190,000 jobs over the past 18 months, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Between January 2004 and June 2005, employment in the tech sector reached 5.72 million, up 3.4% during that time.

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SHEFFIELD, UK - Jennic, a fabless semiconductor company, has purchased an Agilent RF IC tester. The equipment will be installed at its Sheffield headquarters.

Jennic is expected to use the 93000 SoC series tester for product validation and multi-site test development for its JN5121 IEEE802.15.4 wireless microcontroller.

The acquisition of the tester is considered to be a first for a UK fabless semiconductor company.

In a statement, Paul Wells, VP of manufacturing at Jennic, said, "In order to meet volume delivery requirements for our single chip low power wireless microcontroller, we need to ensure we have the right manufacturing infrastructure. By making major investments in a state-of-the-art tester and establishing strong relationships with world class suppliers, we are able to source large volumes of high quality products for our customers."
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NEW YORK -- Semiconductor customers will continue to increase consumption of multichip devices and PLDs over the next 12 months, suggests a recent survey of purchasing managers.

Investment bank SG Cowen said today that its poll of 250 procurement specialists provides "multi-year empirical data ... and serves as an important, independent validation."

The firm said 65% of participants expect year-over-year gains in purchases of chipset solutions and reference designs in the next 12 months. This is an increase from each of SG Cowen's three prior surveys, conducted in last February, October 2004 and July 2003.

Thirty-two percent of participants expect to increase purchases of PLDs within the next 12 months. This is unchanged from February but up 10 points from the July 2003 survey.
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