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SHANGHAIHenkel and Shanghai University, along with other research universities, have entered into an agreement to form a Shanghai Region Joint Electronics Research and Failure Analysis Center.
“One-third of Henkel’s Shanghai-based 150-person research and engineering team is dedicated solely to technology development activities, and over 3% of our research and development expenditure is earmarked for cooperative efforts with universities and technology institutions,” said Dr. Horst Eierdanz, corporate vice president, Henkel R&D Engineering Adhesives.
The roadmap of the three-year project includes study of the interfacial bonding mechanisms between metals and organic polymers; new latent curing systems for advanced electronics polymer applications; fundamental studies of the rheological behavior of microelectronic assembly materials; nanocomposite microelectronic packaging materials, and advanced microelectronic thermal solutions.
The duration of the project is scheduled through March 31, 2011. 
The official signing ceremony took place June 10 at Henkel Asia-Pacific and China Headquarters in Shanghai.  
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