Isola USA today filed orders against
TUC and
ITEQ, demanding the companies
cease all acts that would infringe on the firm’s patents.
Isola filed a cease and desist against TUC, claming its TUC662 and TUC752 products violate China patent no. 123529 covering fillers for improved epoxy laminates.
Isola further claims ITEQ’s ITEQ 200DK violates China patent no. 142122.
In both cases, Isola also filed Injunctions in China’s IP court to prohibit the companies from manufacturing, using or exporting or importing the products.
“Isola has experienced significant growth in low DK materials over the last few years and we are initiating this legal action to protect our Intellectual property rights,” said Ray Sharpe, CEO of Isola Group.