
TUCSON, AZ – In a recent Offshore Group podcast, Harry Moser, founder and director of the non-profit Reshoring Initiative, says, “Manufactures, simple and complex, are returning to the US and North America.”

He says firms are tiring of “negotiating the trouble and cost of a long supply chain.”

When all costs are taken into consideration, it often makes economic sense to repatriate manufacturing jobs from distant geographies such as the Far East, according to Moser.

Taking into consideration certain economic factors, however, Moser recognizes that some Mexico manufacturing will occur as a result of the trending of the movement of jobs from the Far East. Cases such as these will present opportunities for American manufacturers to participate in the supply chains of these factories through the provision of components, equipment and machinery, and raw materials.

“When production is performed in the Far East, a very small percentage of material inputs are US sourced. My first choice is the US. Canada and Mexico are clearly second: far better choices than Asia in terms of benefiting the US economy,” says Moser.

The Reshoring Initiative aims to facilitate the return of good paying manufacturing jobs to the US by assisting companies to more accurately assess their total cost of ownership.

For a complete podcast transcript, visit

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