

BANNOCKBURN, IL – IPC is applauding the US Congress for sending legislation to President Trump that will strengthen workforce education and training efforts.

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WARRENDALE, PA – The Counterfeit Avoidance Accreditation Program (CAAP) has released a new checklist as part of the ongoing aerospace industry activity to address and disrupt the presence of counterfeit parts.

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FORT LAUDERDALE, FL – A private equity firm has purchased electronics manufacturer Masterwork Electronics for an undisclosed sum.

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KENITRA, MOROCCO – The Full Home Energy (FHE) Group is opening a printed circuit board assembly plant in Morocco, according to published reports.

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JASPER, IN – Kimball Electronics says the US tariffs on certain goods imported from China could lead customers to move production offshore, leading to plant closures in the US.

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TORONTO – Celestica posted second quarter revenue of $1.7 billion, up 9% year-over-year.

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BANNOCKBURN, IL — North American printed circuit board shipments in June were up 12.6% year-over-year, says IPC. Year to date, shipments were 10.5% above the same period last year. Sequentially, shipments increased 18%.

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MILPITAS, CA – Jonathan Davis, global vice president of industry advocacy at SEMI, testified before a US interagency panel this week against $16 billion in additional tariffs on Chinese goods. This comes two months after he opposed $34 billion in US trade tariffs in front of the same panel on behalf of SEMI.

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NEVADA CITY, CA – In 2017, worldwide revenue for contract electronics manufacturing services increased 10.8%, resulting in combined EMS and ODM revenue of $471 billion, says New Venture Research.

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SAN JOSE, CA – Sanmina reported fiscal third quarter revenue was $1.81 billion, up 5.8% year-over-year and 7.7% sequentially.

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CHICAGO – In 2017, US Imports from the 14 largest trading partners in Asia rose $55 billion, or 8%, to reach a record high, according to an A.T. Kearney report.

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BOSTON – As the makers of leading brands like Harley-Davidson, Daimler and Whirlpool move or contemplate the relocation of manufacturing from the US, questions over the import tariffs have become real to the electronics supply chain this summer.

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