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BRUSSELS – Neways posted third quarter net revenue of EUR 108.6 million (US$126.13 million), up 13.7% year-over-year.

Growth was attributed to semiconductor and automotive sectors.

Orders for the quarter were EUR 149.9 million, an increase of 40% compared to the same quarter last year.

In the first nine months of 2017, orders grew 9.6%. At the end of September, orders stood at EUR 248.5 million, compared to EUR 184.6 million at the end of September 2016.

The book-to-bill ratio was 1.15 in the first nine months of 2017. Inventories increased partly due to shortages of certain components in the market and partly due to the startup of new projects, the firm says.

“After the disappointing results in the first half of 2017, we have a more positive outlook for the second half of the year. Turnover growth accelerated in this past quarter; the order book is well-filled, and our operating result has improved,” said CEO Huub van der Vrande.

Ed.: EUR 1 = US$1.16


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