

Few media outlets have mastered the art of true integration of print and Web. Readers use the Web as a giant index, and is where they come to get breaking news, critical solutions to manufacturing problems, market forecasts and more. Our search engine optimization is best-in-class. Leverage your marketing by promoting your products and services through our online advertising offerings.

CIRCUITSASSEMBLY.COM (all rates net per month)
Premium Banner: $1,500
Top Banner: $1,250
Middle Banner: $1,000
Bottom Banner: $850
Skyscraper: $1,000
Large Tile/Video Ad: $1,500
Mini-skyscraper: $1,200
Tile: $850
Note: Ads appear on all pages within website

Online Advertising Specifications
Dimensions (pixels) / Maximum Size / Loop Limit
Banner (all): 468 x 60 / 32k / none
Tile: 125 x 125 / 15k / none

Mini-skyscraper: 125 x 250 / 32k / none
Skyscraper: 125 x 600 / 32k / none

Large Tile: 336 x 280 / 80k / none

Video: 336 x 252 / max. file size 1.2MB / no looping

Splash screen: 640 x 480 / 100k / no looping

Banners: animated or static GIF, or static JPG files

Videos: .flv and .mp4 files accepted. Recommended length is 10-30 seconds.

For a pdf showing graphical representations of ads, click here.

Web Statistic Reports

Page impressions and click-through statistics are sent monthly via email. Other statistics available upon request.

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Partner with Printed Circuit Design & Fab. Discounted pricing is available for package programs with PCD&F. For information/rates, contact Krista Fabian (302-519-4064).


The Myth of 'Clicks'

When it comes to digital advertising, "click-throughs" are no longer king.

That's what leading online brands such as Facebook have learned. According to Brad Smallwood, Facebook head of measurement and insights, "While designing online ads to garner clicks makes sense for certain types of companies -- such as e-commerce firms trying to ring up immediate online sales -- clicks are not relevant to brand marketers."

For brand advertisers, fine-tuning the number of times a consumer sees an ad as well as ensuring that the ad has reached all of its target audience are far more effective techniques, most leading firms have learned. The best approach, these companies say, is to think of a website as a digital billboard: Put your ad in the right place, and you'll be sure all your prospects see it. That's how you build a brand in the digital age: one viewer, and not one click, at a time.

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