

SIwave v3.5 is a full-wave electromagnetic field simulator optimized for signal-integrity, power-integrity, and electromagnetic interference analysis of high-speed PCBs and IC packages. Features a finite-element-based DC solver optimized for extraction of power rail geometry in low-voltage/high-current PCBs and packages. Engineers reportedly can view voltage and current distributions in all relevant geometry, including vias and bond wires; have access to voltage drop and current flow information through vias, bond wires, sources, resistors, inductors, etc. in tabular format. Said to simulate electromagnetic behavior of complex PCBs and IC packages, including multiple, arbitrarily shaped power and ground layers, and any number of vias and signal traces. Full-wave S-, Y- or Z-parameters or GHz-bandwidth circuit model is used in concert with time- and frequency-domain analyses within Nexxim and DesignerSI or third-party SPICE-compatible circuit tools. Highlights include 64-bit capability; frequency-dependent source implementation; linear interpolation; frequency-dependent material model (Djordjevic-Sarkar); visualization of near E and H fields, and clip design tool. 

Ansoft Corp.,
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