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HAMBURG, GERMANY — Mirtec and Yxlon have developed a yield improvement tool that links the companies' respective inspection systems, offering a more comprehensive feedback loop and data mining capability.

SmartLoop links Mirtec's inline 3D AOI system with Yxlon's FeinFocus x-ray systems, enhacing the ability to quickly check hard-to-inspect parts. 

With the new tool, suspect parts that cannot be fully checked inline, such as BGAs and QFNs, are automatically inspected with inclined CT for checking the hidden joint interfaces. Results, data and images are displayed on a single screen, including SPI data. The software allows modifications to acceptance limits on the AOI and SPI to improve inspection accuracy. All data are stored in one place for traceability and trend monitoring. 

“Many of our customers already are benefiting from the reduction in required manpower and the boost to their yields,” said Chan Wha Pak, CEO, Mirtec Co., in a press release. “The cooperation with a world-leading x-ray partner and innovative software company was the natural next stage in offering our customers not just a way to catch mistakes, but to provide them with the means to stop making them.”

Added Stefan Moll, president of Yxlon, "This is a major step in data integration and process management.”


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